[IEEE-RIVF 2021: Deadline extension to February 20, 2021]

[IEEE-RIVF 2021: Deadline extension to February 20, 2021]

IEEE-RIVF 2021: The 15th IEEE-RIVF International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies

Important dates:

  • February 20 January 20, 2021: Paper submission deadline. (Sau hạn 20/2/2021, Ban Tổ chức sẽ đóng chức năng nộp bài nhưng sẽ để mở chức năng cập nhật bài tới ngày 28/2/2021)
  • March 20, 2021: Review result notifications
  • April 24, 2021: Camera-ready paper submission and author registration
  • June 3-5, 2021: Conference days

Conference topics:

The conference solicits submission of research papers in major areas of computing and communications, organized into the following six tracks. Relevant topics of each track include, but are not limited to:

·         AI, Computational Intelligence and Data Analytics: Soft computing, knowledge discovery and data mining, machine learning, computational biology, agent-based systems, semantic web, information extraction and retrieval, text and web mining, big data, health care and public services.

·         Communications and Networking: Network architecture and protocols, quantum networks and communications, parallel and distributed computing, grid and cloud computing, fog/edge computing and networking, mobile and ubiquitous computing, internet of things, wireless/wireline communications systems, smart city solutions/technologies, advanced communications technologies for 5G and beyond.

·         Software Engineering and Information Systems: Software development methods, software system modeling, open source software development, software process, software testing and verification, embedded systems, distributed data management, information integration, domain and metadata modeling, e-commerce and business integration solutions.

·         Image, Language and Speech Processing: Natural language processing, language and speech processing, speech production and perception, language modeling, speech analysis and synthesis, speech enhancement, human-computer interface and interaction, multimedia, image processing, information visualization.

·         Software engineering and information systems: Software development methods, software system modelling, software testing and verification, embedded systems, distributed data management, information integration, domain and metadata modeling, e-commerce and business integration solutions

·         Information and Network Security: Security and privacy, application security, intrusion and cybersecurity threat detection and analysis, information security policy and management, behavioral information security, mobile and cloud computing security, cyber-forensics and blockchain.

·         Discrete and continuous computational models: Modeling and simulation of complex systems, agent-based modeling, dynamical systems, discrete structural modeling, complex networks, randomized algorithms, quantum computing, combinatorial optimization, metaheuristic.

Paper submission:

Authors are invited to submit papers of up to 6 pages, written in English, in PDF format and compliant with the IEEE standard (http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html). All papers must be original contributions and not previously published, nor currently under consideration, for publication elsewhere. Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore. Papers should be submitted through the EasyChair conference submission system at https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=rivf2021 .
